Women With A Stiff Scalp Should Be Aware Of AGA

AGA is known as alopecia that occurs in men, but the symptoms of AGA are increasing not only in men but also in women.
It is said that the cause of AGA in women is mainly caused by hormonal imbalance due to aging and lifestyle, and thinning hair is more likely to progress due to the increase in working women and modern life where stress tends to accumulate. increase.
In addition, changes in hormonal balance such as childbirth and menopause may lead to progression of thinning hair.

To prevent thinning hair, it is important to have a balanced intake of vitamins, minerals, and proteins that nourish the hair.
In addition, if you continue to live irregularly or lack sleep, the blood circulation in your scalp will deteriorate and you will not be able to receive proper nutrition.
Review your lifestyle and promote blood circulation in your scalp.

To promote blood circulation in the scalp, it is important to massage it to keep it soft.
To check the hardness of the scalp, be careful when you actually touch it and if the scalp does not move or is harder than the forehead.
Massage daily to soften the hard scalp.

The way to massage is to spread the palm of your hand over your head and massage the hard scalp with your fingertips.
If you overdo it, you may damage your scalp, so be gentle.
A hard scalp may not have enough water, so forcibly massaging it can damage the scalp.
It’s a good idea to massage when shampooing or after shampooing with a tonic or hair restorer.
Women’s thinning hair can often be treated more simply by changing their lifestyle than men, so don’t give up and continue.

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